VOCSens unveils EnviCam®-30, its 1st generation of multi-gas microsensor

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EnviCam-30 microsensor

Mont-Saint-Guibert, 9th May 2023 – VOCSens unveils EnviCam®-30, its 1st generation of multi-gas microsensor addressing the request for actionable gas concentration data in Smart Building, Chemical, Agri-food & Recycling market segments. This cutting-edge device offers unparalleled selectivity, long operating lifetime, and a small form factor that sets a new standard in the gas sensing industry. 

Gas selectivity 

Unlike other gas microsensors which are few selective, EnviCam®-30 measures multiple gases at the same time with a high level of accuracy thanks to advanced sensing mechanisms and dedicated algorithms. First detected gases are ammonia (NH3), formaldehyde (HCHO), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and methane (CH4), with many others under development. 

Efficiency by design  

Based on patented CMOSEnvi™ multi-pixel technology, EnviCam®-30 consumes almost no energy (below 50 µW for 1 measurement per second) and costs up to 10 times less than its competitors. With its compact dimensions (10 x 5 x 1 mm³), it can be easily integrated into any type of hardware.  

Delivering actionable gas concentration data   

Moreover, EnviCam®-30 dedicated firmware (C library) and container-based software substantially improve the device autonomy. Artificial intelligence-based algorithms perform zero-point adjustments and self-calibration depending on the environmental conditions, delivering actionable insights for maintenance-less applications.  

Wide range of applications 

EnviCam®-30 is used in a variety of industries, including environmental monitoring, industrial gas detection and future medical applications. We can cite energy-efficient ventilation and filtration in Smart Building as well as nitrogen emission control in Agri-Food (e.g. pig and poultry farms) or Chemical industries (pipeline leak detection, processes, EHS). 

“With this revolutionary product making the invisible visible, VOCSens has the ambition to become a game-changing player in the gas microsensor industry”, said Thomas WALEWYNS, Co-Founder & CEO. “We are entering a new era of measurement, ensuring a better knowledge of environment and processes to take the right actions as part of sustainable development goals.” 

Read the full press release in English.
Read the full press release in French.

Media contact

Bram SENAVE, bram.senave[at]vocsens.com

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